
Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Haunted House

Febuary 3 1956

One sunny afternoon, me and my best friend Annie were walking back from school a different way then normal. “Um Milly,this way is scary” “Its fine Annie” “look theres an old building” “thats not a building thats a Millionairs Mantion!” “ That mus be brickins millionair mantion the one that was being told about at the town hall!” “ lets go in” “no” “ come on Annie its fine” “ok”. So we went in and the door was very hevy and mossey and it smelt of dust and mould.Once they were inside, they saw a big clock “that clock looks scary Milly” “look theres a note, over there, under the edge ”
“Lets see” “ I will read it” I said.

March 20 1870

Dear Willow,

Its Leah here do you want to come to my sleepover?
We are going to have a pillow fight and lots of ice cream.
I know you love ice cream.
I hope to see you there.

From Leah Brickens.

“Leah Brickens, Brickens Millionair mantoin!”
“Leah was the girl waiting for her best friend Willow to come to her birthday” “But she never came” said Annie. “What about that old clock” I said. “ what about it” Annie said. “It moved’’ “no it didn’t” Annie said. “Yes look there’s the marks of where the clock was first put” “ but how did it move” Annie said. “Lets forget about it for now” “ lets go upstairs and see Leahs room” “no” said Annie. “Don’t Milly, please!” as we went up the stairs, they stopped and looked at the first room. It had cob webs everywhere and it stunk of mould and dust.

“We should go” Annie said. “Ok” Just then the cock moved out of the lounge and next to the front door where they first came in. “thats realy weird, because I feel like its trying to trap us in the mantion” “what?” “oh nothing”. So we went to the door and tried to open it but it wouldent budge. “What”.I said “it was very loose when we came in” “oh no” Annie said. “The clock has trapped us” So we ran around the the mantion trying to get out, when we came across a funny sight in the corner. We stopped and went back and had a closer look at it. Then we screamed. “ don’t tell me thats the ghost of Leah” “lets say it is” “AAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH”.

                                                                The End