
Thursday, July 25, 2019


Report done by Eden


The kakapo is a NZ parrot. 

It cannot fly because of it weight. It is green, black and brown and uses its whiskers to feel about when its awake in the night.
The Kakapo is a nocturnal bird so it is awake when we are asleep.

The Kakapo’s favorite food is the seeds from a Rimu tree so it climbs up the tree and cracks the nut open. They can live up to 100 years! And thats a long time.


Monday, July 1, 2019


 By Eden

England is a big country surrounded by the English channel, and the North sea. It also is surrounded by a bit of the Atlantic ocean. England is located in Europe, and its population is 55.62 million. England has about ninety islands surrounding it. Its a lot right?
England dosen't have any languages spoken it just has a few different accents and one of them is British.

The capital city of England is London and the biggest city is River Thames. There are a few different `major’ city's in England like Birmingham, Belfast, Bristol, Glasgow, Manchester, Sheffield and more.

Nature in England is amazing.
There national flower is a Tudor Rose. The national animal is a Lion. And the national tree is an oak tree. There are a lot of native animals in England like a red deer, a hedgehog, grey seals, otters, red squirrels and much more.

The national sport(s) of England are Cricket and Soccer. England has a lot of cool thongs to do and places to visit. Stonehenge, Buckingham palace, big Ben, London eye. You can also have a swim at baths famous thermal waters.
England has lots of cool things to do and see and I would love to go there one day wouldn't you?

~Thanks for reading~